Searching What's Been Saved - A Whole Ordeal 
the average smartphone user 
saves content from
at least five different
apps every week.
Managing           and           accessing      this               scattered
content         has                       become               a           significant          challenge             in
our                digital         lives

Which leads us to thinking.....
User Research
We came into this with a few goals:
1. Asses user satisfaction with current information retrieval.

2. Uncover factors in the process of accessing saved content that result in pain points and challenges.

3. Identify the type and purpose of content users often interact with.

4. Gauge users' feedback on existing solutions relating to improving retrieval process.
And we left with a few insights:
1. Users consistently struggle with the management of their saved content, which spans
various apps and platforms.

2. Users frequently forget about the valuable content they've saved due to the disorganized nature of their saved items across different apps.

3. There is a strong demand for a more streamlined way to access and manage saved

4. A recurring pain point is the difficulty users encounter when trying to retrieve specific saved content, leading to time wasted in searches.

5. concerns about the privacy and security of their saved content, necessitating a robust
privacy framework.

Thus, we create User Personas and Journey Maps!
Streamlining content was mentioned a lot in our user research. This idea involves creating a standalone app that acts as a central hub for saved content, aggregating it from various apps. It simplifies access to saved content by providing a single entry point.

The concept of implementing a universal tagging and search system to simplify content access. Users can easily organize and find their saved content with this feature.

LoFi Prototypes:
After submission we got some feedback before creating MidFi Prototypes:
Insights from usability testing:

"The onboarding process was straightforward, but the search function could be more prominent."

"Tagging was intuitive, but I would prefer more options for categorizing content."

"I liked the ability to create collections; it makes organizing content easier."
HCD decal final

HCD decal final
