Inktober is a challenge created in order to improve drawing and inking skills.
Thousands of artists are taking on this challenge every year.
Inktober was created by Jade Parker in 2009.
I was excited to join such a challenge, it was my second attempt for the inktober challenge.
I actually discovered some hidden skills that I never used before, which let me feel that my art is kinda good.
I used the surrealism perception in some of my artworks , in 2021 I was inspired by the surrealism, it is easy to describe how I am feeling without actually saying a word and you can use any crazy, creative, weird idea that will come across your mind.
One of the famous surrealist artist Salvador Dali, his famous painting ''the persistence of memory''.
Inktober actually unlocked my imagination.
Inktober 2021


Inktober 2021
