Great Dane Development
I enrolled in the "Concepts and Narratives" class, which primarily focused on developing creative concepts and weaving compelling narratives into our work.

Project Phases
The project consisted of three main stages, each building on the previous one:
• Figure Mark Sketching: Creating a unique figure mark related to our chosen animal.
• Diorama Development: Designing a diorama to visually represent our chosen animal's characteristics and history.
• Zine Creation: Developing a zine that incorporated a narrative tied to our animal without explicitly mentioning the term "self-care."

Animal Choice: Great Dane
I selected the Great Dane as my chosen animal for the project. This choice was motivated by the duality of the Great Dane's characteristics, aligning with different aspects of my own personality.

Serious Stuff: Great Dane Symbolism & Characteristics
• Courageousness: Represents bravery and fearlessness.
• Moving Forward: Symbolises progress into uncharted territory.
• Motive to Accomplish Anything: Epitomises determination and ambition.
• Intelligence, Power, Loyalty, Devotion: Stands for qualities such as intellect, strength, faithfulness, and dedication.
• Siding with the Underdog: Reflects a compassionate nature.
• Great Sense of Compassion: Exudes kindness and empathy.

The Fun Stuff: Cute Great Dane Characteristics
• Sweet and Affectionate Companion: Known for being a loveable and cuddly pet.
• Love to Play: Enjoys engaging in playful activities.
• Peaceful in Nature: Exhibits a calm and tranquil demeanour.
• Inherently Gentle: Characterised by a gentle disposition.
• Very Eager to Please Others: Demonstrates a strong desire to make people happy.
• Extremely People-Oriented: Enjoys being in the company of humans.
Justification of Animal Choice

The Great Dane's dual nature, embodying both seriousness and playfulness, resonated with my own personality traits. This choice provided an ideal canvas to explore a variety of creative concepts.
Logo Sketch Exploration
For the figure mark sketching, I aimed to break out of my comfort zone and experiment with different visual styles. I explored various poses and facial expressions for the Great Dane, including line work, abstract textural marks, silhouettes, and shading values.
Diorama Process
Creating a diorama involved selecting a narrative theme that could be conveyed visually. I drew inspiration from the Great Dane's history and characteristics, including its hunting background, goofy personality, and its association with warding off spirits. Ultimately, I settled on an 80s-themed "Ghost Hunter" concept, set in iconic locations like train stations, Chinatown, and rooftops.

Birth of a New Direction
I realised that my initial ideas didn't convey the hunter aspect well. To enhance this theme, I explored the character of "The Bounty Hunter" and drew inspiration from famous 80s action heroes like Chuck Norris. The Great Dane became a "Ghost Hunter," and the narrative took place in settings like the "Dogs Playing Poker" painting.

Laser Cutter Diorama
While discussing my Laser Cutter Diorama concept with my lecturer, I had an "aha" moment, opting for a more minimalistic approach. I decided to use clear acrylic for the ghosts and create a shadow of the Great Dane, which added an emotive and powerful element to the narrative.

Challenges Faced
I encountered challenges with photography, particularly due to the transparent nature of acrylic. Adjusting lighting, angles, and ghost compositions in my kitchen was essential. The composite image in Photoshop was pivotal in bringing the concept to life.
Zine Development
Initially, I explored various ideas for the zine, aiming to create a narrative that didn't explicitly mention "self-care." I settled on a friendly Australian "bogan" perspective, making the content relatable and charming. The zine was structured around four main pillars of self-care: Emotional, Physical, Psychological/Mental, and Social.

Target Audience
The zine targeted individuals aged 16-30 who were resistant to self-care concepts. The goal was to make self-care more appealing and accessible to this audience.

Iterative Process
The project underwent multiple iterations, with feedback playing a crucial role in refining the narrative and improving text legibility. The zine aimed to strike a balance between informative and light-hearted, offering practical advice while maintaining an engaging tone.

Illustration Systems/Libraries
I researched illustration systems and libraries to create cohesive and consistent illustrations. This approach helped me maintain a unified style across a variety of illustrations, facilitating quicker iterations.

Despite the challenges and time constraints, the project evolved into a compelling exploration of self-care, featuring a unique Great Dane perspective and an engaging Australian bogan tone. The iterative process allowed for continuous improvement, resulting in a zine that offered both informative and light-hearted self-care guidance.
The Great Dane

The Great Dane


Creative Fields