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Sand Animation - Caroline Leaf

Animated short film on Caroline leaf as a part of our 2nd semester elective course "Animating Materials". Caroline Leaf is a renowned Canadian-American filmmaker and animator known for her innovative and distinctive sand animation art style. We tried to understand and learn her approach which involves manipulating grains of sand on a light box to create visually captivating and emotionally resonant imagery. 
We made our makeshift Lightbox using crate, study lamp, piece of fabric, butter paper and a glass piece. It was challenging to execute Caroline leaf's style because achieving the right lighting and shadows was tough. On top of that sand animation offers limited opportunities for correction, demanding careful pre-planning and precise execution. So reproducing them exactly is often difficult, as each animation is unique. Despite these obstacles, it was fun to experience the entire process of sand animation because of its tactile quality and mesmerising visuals.

Sand Animation - Caroline Leaf

Sand Animation - Caroline Leaf



Creative Fields