Richard Davis's profile

Just Another Lemon Tree

In a forest’s wintry embrace stands a lone lemon tree,
Its branches reaching out in contemplative plea.
Lemons dangle, golden orbs, waiting for the sun’s caress,
A still-life vessel of patience and peacefulness.

The man, transformed into a tree, stands tall and serene,
Eyes closed, deep in thought, his mind’s canvas clean.
Amidst the silence, twigs and branches interweave,
A nest rests gently, a symbol of life’s reprieve.

Winter’s grip may be cold, its touch a bitter sting,
But within this stillness, a quiet hope takes wing.
The lemon tree whispers, “I’m waiting for you to see,
In this dormant forest, I’m hanging around, waiting to be.”

In this contemplative pause, where time finds reprieve,
The man as lemon tree finds solace and belief.
Through the barren landscape, he stands with quiet might,
A symbol of resilience, a beacon of light.

Just another lemon tree, a testament to grace,
Teaching patience and strength in this tranquil space.
As we reflect upon our lives, let us come to see,
That even in winter’s depths, hope and possibility are key.
Just Another Lemon Tree

Just Another Lemon Tree


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