"Unsolved Puzzle" | 50x70 | acrylic on canvas

One more artwork for "What is art?" group exhibition 2023 at Boomer Gallery in London.

What is art in the 21st century? What Makes It Valuable?
The discourse on the nature of art in the 21st century has never been more intriguing. While some creators remain firmly rooted in the traditions of their craft, others boldly venture into uncharted territories, invoking a constant debate around the central question - What Is Art? What makes it valuable?
In the modern art world, it’s evident that success doesn’t adhere to a single style or approach. The diverse paths taken by some of the world’s most renowned and affluent artists underscore the idea that every unique style of art can become valuable.
Art is not an easily defined concept. This is why we’ve invited two of the world’s leading art experts to share their insights about what is art and what makes it valuable.
Unsolved Puzzle


Unsolved Puzzle
