Isabella Madeira's profile

UpRooted Video Game Trailer

UpRooted is a narrative-driven action-adventure video game. Players switch between controlling a mage and a paladin who must work together to hack a virus corrupting the forest.
Our team has been collaborating on this game project since 2019, during which I have played many roles. I have created numerous pixel art assets for use in the game's user interface and environment, and I have also designed the title art and promotional stickers for distribution at game conventions and events.
The biggest contribution I have made so far is in storyboarding, animating, and promoting the game trailer. All motion graphics (except character animations and gameplay footage) were made by me using Adobe After Effects. Music was composed by our talented composer Zack Wilson.

Give it a watch below, and check out our site for more information about the game!
UpRooted Video Game Trailer


UpRooted Video Game Trailer
