Inspired by urbanization problems, 
the DropAir was designed through Biomimicry and Neurodesign 
acting on physical, mental and emotional human health.

"In general, nine-tenths of our happiness depends 
on health alone. With it everything becomes a source of pleasure."
- Arthur Schopenhauer

Through the Biomimicry, 
the DropAir was designed so that its 
functional, symbolic and visual processes associate 
humans to harmonious organic standards 
that create life and nature.

DropAir interrogates the user, 
requires his attention
getting his curiosity.

"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." - Maya Angelou.
The functional process was totally inspired by photosynthesis
Through solar panels, the solar radiation is transformed into electrical energy which in contact with water, decomposes H20 elements which, in turn, unites to CO2 elements from polluted air, turning it into rich organic matter-energy, purifying the air.

Sustainable, the DropAir will be able to lower respiratory diseases caused by the growing accumulation of pollution in cities, highlighting its main function: to ensure the users health.
The goal is to turn 
an everyday product into 
something unique and special
to matching the consumer unconscious expectations, 
mobilizing human imagination.

The DropAir attractive sinuosity with its uniqueness, curved volume, sensual and unexpected shape makes the product looks familiar, due to references found in nature.
DropAir was chosen as one of the best developed 50+ concepts in Electrolux Design Lab 2013.


