The first 3D animation I ever made. Just so you know its not good. We all had to start somewhere though right? I created all of the models, animated them, rendered it, and edited it all myself. I did not write the music that was the Kidney Thieves song Zero. Buy their album or listen to them on your streaming service! After learning the basics of using  Lightwave 5. I put together a storyboard and started building models for my cool space battle. I was going to make it on my brand new out of the box Compaq desktop computer. Once that was finished I got to the animation and everything was looking so cool in wireframes. Then I started rendering the first scene. Record scratch. It took sooooo lon-ga! I'm sure me turning on all the extras didn't help. Raytracing, yep, caustics, of course, area lights, why the hell not, refraction, that's new since the last version--turn it on baby! the scene where the spaceships move down the lifts took 10 days on my computer. After that was done I was pretty much over it so I started trying to figure out other ways to speed this up including removing the last parts of the battle and having the bad ship blow up during the initial attack and shrinking the video output size by half. That is why the quality is so bad. I made the credits crazy long till I could get to a spot to stop the music. Anyway enough history, enjoy my awful 3D animation.


