There is something beautiful and fundamentally positive hidden in the metaphor—the idea that our lives are juggled by fate makers, and the spectators are the judges. 
The primal need to feel in control of our life is surrendered through the realization that our course has already been decided.  
As we navigate through life, we are constantly faced with the question of fate versus free will. Ultimately, we must strike a balance and learn to embrace life as it unfolds in its own time and way.
This piece explores the search for that sweet balance.
When we examine our days and accept the unavoidable predicament of failure and loss, we can find refuge in the relentless mystery of life.

“Fate Collectors”
Micron w|Tombow Marker, and Posca on Bristol • 11 in. x 14 in. • 2023
For "The Eclectic Majestic" group exhibition curated by @wowxwow_art 
AUG 4th—>25th

*All available artworks can be viewed and purchased through

Fate Collectors


Fate Collectors
