Parneet Kaur's profile

Cater Ninja Social Media Content

Freelance Project
Cater Ninja, the brand that lets us be better. The free hand and constructive criticism made us experiment but with customers in mind.
● Created content strategy that focused on quality over quantity.
● Built customer base from scratch.
● Gave kick-ass campaign ideas but unfortunately didn't get executed :(budget issues)
Overall loved working with the founders who believed in mistakes and passion.
In The Food Mood
Who are we if not for food and fun? So, we played around with characters, illustrations, and food to create the drooling effect. 
Consequence? More orders.
Cutesy Stuff
When everyone wanted the old Instagram back, we heard. Not every topical has to be irrelevant and forced. We created art from our hearts to customer's. 
Had some pun
Cater Ninja gave us the freedom to experiment. A little Bollywood pun doesn't hurt, right? 
We believe in entertaining our customers now and then.
Cater Ninja Social Media Content

Cater Ninja Social Media Content
