Competition entries ( Finalist ) / 2023
Manhattan Portage ARTAWARD 2023 / Theme  "LOVE"

I would like to see a world where "LOVE" is not bound by a variety of barriers, such as gender, status, and where to live.
This message was expressed in the form of hugs between different species and living creatures from different worlds.
"LOVE" refers not only to others, but also to loving one's hobbies and work, loving one's place,
And loving yourself is part of "LOVE."
What they have in common is a feeling of facing the objects they love and caring for them.
with the desire for as many people as possible to find something close to them in their designs
I drew different creatures, different hugs.
The gathering pattern overlaps with the image of the city of New York, where diverse people gather.
As I run through the streets of New York, I catch glimpses of love between the buildings ...
Based on this image, the design is constructed in a straight line to resemble a window of a group of buildings or a city map.
The colors used were orange, white and blue, the colors of the New York state flag.


