Omer Hirsch's profile

Save your work | 3D animation short

Save your work 

Save your work is a personal project that touches the pain point of any digital artist.
It was born where every good idea is being born, that's right, during a shower.
In this project I'll showcase some of the process I went through to create this piece.
Selected Frames
Creative decisions
Being a nostalgic person, at first I was going after a more nostalgic look and created an antique PC, sort of the kinds I used to play Digger on back in my childhood. Though I really liked the look & feel of it in the composition, I later on decided to bring a more updated version of this workstation so it better aligns with the fact that a 3D software runs in the background. Sure, this is my world and I decide what can be and what's not, but this time, coherence won.
For the lighting of the opening scene I used an HDRI interior image which demonstrates a main source of light that comes from the right, a subtle fill light from the left, a strong warm light source from behind the window and a gobo light (In a spot light) from the left to add the extra details on the wall. In addition, I used some small area lights behind some objects like the plant and the chair. 
For this part I wanted to create a feel of creative frenzy. It took me a while to figure out how can I achieve that. Using one cursor that jumps from one place to another looked ok, but when I tried multiple cursors at once, it looked much better. My world, I decide what looks legit! 
Original storyboarding. It can be seen that not all shots are in here, and some have got improvements along the way. As all other creative process, ideas always pop up during the process.
Animation reference
Design, Animation & Screenplay
Omer Hirsch (

SFX & Music
Dmitry Antonenko (@Mun.Studioo)
Save your work | 3D animation short


Save your work | 3D animation short
