Simon Olsen's profile

Phasses Forening, brand identity

Phasses Forening
Mini-CI + Instagram posts

Phasses Forening is a Danish organisation working with the well being of kids and teens using badminton as their means and arena. 

The goal is to teach children to have fun while getting exercise, as well as teaching them things that can be applied in their day-to-day lives such as being a team player and accepting challenges. 

Phasse was a man of great import in the history of Danish badminton. He became the sole importer of Yonex products in Scandinavia, and supported a number of all-time-greats in Danish badminton such as Camilla Martin and Poul-Erik Høyer, to name a few. The organisation is named after him as an homage to his welcoming and ever-friendly personality, and is run by his family who have carried on working with the business he once started.

Other than the obvious challenge of visually telling the story of an organisation working towards helping children in life (which is based on a rich and interesting history of innovation, development, and accommodation), the product needed to be created in a way that allowed the client to mange it themselves. Hence, the delivered product was created in a way that made it easy for the client, without any prior experience in working with graphic design, to apply to their different communication channels using a free version of Adobe Express.  

Process and thoughts
A story of greatness, togetherness and bus seats

Badminton has always been an important sport in Denmark. The Danish way of training and being together around the sport created a very special arena for developing talents on an international scale. This history was the foundation for the design process, meaning that there was as very characteristic and recognisable aesthetic that we could tap in to. The uniforms, sports magazines, VHS-style graphics, old school bus seat patterns and just general attitude were all part of the initial design process and had great influence on the final delivered product on terms of both the visual and conceptual elements.

Phasses Forening, brand DNA
Tekst af Morten Staghøj, brandstrateg ved Gotcha
Skal en fjerbold absolut være hvid? 
Does a shuttlecock always have to be white? 

Prøv bolden. Spil som var det en leg. Dyrk holdånden. Smash! For badminton er meget mere end trofæer og individuelle succeser. For nok hylder vi de store sejre og husker de store helte. Men i hallen handler det om meget mere end det. Her mødes vi ikke kun for at slå modstanderen i gulvet, vi mødes for at returnere bolden, kammeratskabet og fællesskabet.

Dansk badmintonpioner, Erik Holst Andersen, også kaldet Phasse, drømte om at spille badminton helt frit. Om at spille med den største spilleglæde. Spille for fællesskabet. Spille som var det en leg. Spille bare fordi det er sjovt. Han støttede kompromisløst op om de største badmintontalenter i Danmark. Og så drømte han om fjerbolde i mange farver. For skal en fjerbold absolut være hvid?

I dag bliver børn og unge vejet og målt, de bliver betragtet og bedømt. Både i skolen og på sociale medier. Alvoren presser sig på i en tidlig alder. Men badminton kan være det frirum, hvor der er plads til at have det sjovt uden formål.

Derfor har Phasses forening til formål at fremme badminton blandt børn og unge i Danmark – og samtidigt støtte de nye talenter. Badminton skal være sjovt. Og badmintonbanen skal være et frirum med masser af leg og med plads til alle, hvor vi styrker børn og unges selvtillid og fællesskabsfølelse, og hvor vi er der for hinanden – både på banen og uden for banen. Med eller uden en hvid fjerbold

Phasses Forening, brand identity


Phasses Forening, brand identity
