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Untilless Perfume Brand Design: Making Scent Visible


Untilless Perfume: Making Scent Visible
Simple scents unconsciously evoke distant memories, unearthing the beautiful moments buried deep within our memories, unlocking forgotten yet vivid and emotionally charged recollections.
 - Proustian effect.


Fragrances serve to revisit specific memories and relive pleasurable emotions. Therefore, our fragrance series does not have a specific name; instead, it relies on metaphors and descriptions to convey sensations. 


The logo, with its serif typeface, embodies subtle elegance, romance, and a touch of contemporary style. The spelling of the remaining letters imparts a soft and gentle feeling. Through the collision of rich textures and colors, symbolizing the intertwining of scent and memory, we aim to visually evoke the sense of smell and express the romantic atmosphere brought about by aromatherapy in an abstract manner. The vibrant rose pink color captures customers' attention and gives the entire brand a fashionable and youthful tone.


We aim to challenge the common perception that scent can only be perceived through the sense of smell. With our brand, we offer a multisensory experience that allows for a continuous exploration of fragrances. It is not merely a standardized aroma; it is an artistic creation that encapsulates the fragrance itself, making scents visible and enabling different olfactory experiences through various visual encounters.


Design by Resauce

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Untilless Perfume Brand Design: Making Scent Visible


Untilless Perfume Brand Design: Making Scent Visible
