ESL x Champion - Hoodie Commercial

This was my first big project with ESL, and it was completed in under two weeks.
The pipeline for this project was varied and optimised.

I created the hoodie in Marvellous Designer, simulated it in MAXON's Cinema 4D, built and rendered the scenes in Blender 3D using Cycles, composited in Adobe After Effects, and edited the final cut in Premiere Pro.

Thank you to:

Yannick Rimkus for helping out with his exceptional posing, texturing and lighting development work.
Jack Honeywell for his creative merch designs, executed to perfection.
Pat Von Halle for her great ideas, and for trusting me with the project and allowing me to have creative freedom.
Cinema 4D cloth simulation using the mesh from Marvellous Designer
ESL x Champion - Hoodie Commercial

ESL x Champion - Hoodie Commercial
