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Cub Ghontu - The Masked Frontier: Innovating Solutions

Cub Ghontu 

The Masked Frontier: Innovating Solutions

Cub Ghontu is a Young-aged boy who overcomes pandemic adversities with creativity, resilience, and leadership, inspiring readers through innovative problem-solving.
He is not a character but a concept, which portrays that every and anyone can be Cub Ghontu.

Concept Note:

Our young protagonist finds himself in a situation where masks are unavailable during a pandemic. Undeterred, Ghontu showcases his resourcefulness and creativity as he ingeniously devises various homemade mask ideas. From repurposing everyday objects to crafting innovative mask designs, Ghontu's ideas inspire readers to think outside the box and protect themselves in challenging times.

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Cub Ghontu - The Masked Frontier: Innovating Solutions


Cub Ghontu - The Masked Frontier: Innovating Solutions
