Israel Caraballo's profile

Pride and Prejudice Book Cover

I wanted to make some Conceptual Book Covers for a Classic Novel and for this, I made minimalist designs that could go from being clasic to modern.

I chose Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austine, I like this book and I love everything on it, for each cover I wanted to represent a part of the book. Also, each one, is focus different one highlight the typography, another one is made by my choice, and the last one was handmade.
On the First cover which is the designers choice, I wanted to show the letter that chance the history of the book, this is the letter that Mr Darcy gave Mss Elizabeth Bennet, this letter is know for everyone who have read the book, is a letter of love and an explation against the prejudice.

I make this cover with photoshop, and the help of illustrator to make the sketches.
The second cover is the Handmade, I wanted to show the pride with the money that is an important plot on this book, that for some time could stop two marriges and help two other ladies to mary. 

A part of the dollar sign is the face of Elizabeth Bennet and the other one the face of Mr Darcy.

I make this cover with fabric, silk paper and  silicone with some photoshop to add the tittle and make some changes to improve the cover.
The third cover is the Typeface, In here I wanted to represent the old book of the 19th century, because, this are a constant element on the book and it is one that I could simple relate with miss Elizabeth Bennet, she was a women, who was really inteligent and have a strong opinion about almost everything. I like to think that this could be a book that she could have read.

I make this cover using adobe illustrator.
Pride and Prejudice Book Cover


Pride and Prejudice Book Cover
