Aleix Gordo Hostau's profile

Mural in Expomanga 2014

From May 16th to 18th I was invited by Expomanga Festival in Madrid to perform a three days live painting on a big canvas. After that the result was donated to the Japanese Embassy and was part of the Spain-Japan Dual Year for it's 4th centenary of their relationship.
Desde el 16 al 18 de Mayo fui invitado por el Festival Expomanga en Madrid para realizar un live painting durante tres dias en un gran lienzo. El resultado fue donado a la Embajada de Japón en España conmemorando el Año Dual España-Japón que conmemora el cuatricentenario de sus relaciones.
This was the result from the live painting on a 4,5x2m canvas. I really hope you liked it.
Este es el resultado del live painitng que realicé sobre un lienzo de 4,5x2m. Espero que os guste!
Making of video:
Video del Making of:
Mural making of pictures:
Fotos del making of del mural:
Delivering some presents to the Japanese Embassador in Spain, Satoru Satou.
Entregando unos regalitos al Embajador de Japón en España, Satoru Satou.
A dedication for my friend Miguel Ángel from Expocómic!
Una dedicatoria a mi amigo Miguel Ángel de Expocómic!
Thank you very much to my Expomanga friends who invited me and proportionated the opportunity to make such a work. Thank you to the Japanese Embassy in Spain to receive my present among their artworks collections. And thank you to Ruki Momoi, Halko Momoi, Suzuki-san, Alberto, Emilio, Jose, Eduardo, Miguel Angel, Fatuo, Caracol y Tal for their company, friendship and support.
Muchas gracias a mis amigos de Expomanga que me invitaron y proporcionaron la oportunidad de realizar el mural. Muchas gracias a la Embajada de Japón en España por aceptar la obra entre sus obra de arte. Gracias a Ruki Momoi, Halko Momoi, Suzuki-san, Alberto, Emilio, Jose, Eduardo, Miguel Angel, Fatuo, Caracol y Tal por su compañia, amistad y apoyo.
Mural in Expomanga 2014

Mural in Expomanga 2014

From May 16th to 18th I was invited by Expomanga Festival in Madrid to perform a three days live painting on a big canvas. After that the result Read More
