mood boards and inspiration 
my mood boards are filled of imagary found when researching into anorak and children magazines/ drawings. I have kept my focus on bright colours and bold styles. searching for abstract and fun characters surrounding plant themes or children's magazines in general. it has given me the inspiration to look at using charters throughout this project wether as plants themselves or interacting with the pants. ,images sourced from Pinterest.
from further research into colour palettes and characters design based on children themselves and children's books/ there age abilities at 6+ and interests I want to create a interactive bright and bold page for them to look a and seek our hidden details, which leads me onto these design ideas. my mindset is currently to approach the brief from as many different angles and possible. 
I made these three original sketches, I like the colour palettes and fastness of the illustration, howeveer I don't feel they match the briefs requirements exactly and based off my feedback I thinks its important I develop more "plant based" fitting chat rectors as these are more based of vegetables and fruit. 
Spending time researching into plant based films and art scenes i found myself more a more interested in the thought of what a life of a creature who lived inside a plant might have. My mood boards showing the convent of art displaying life inside of building and their bright colours. I draw up the initial sketch on left to get rough thought of how to make a tree seem hollow. This lead to me make the home of a squirrel. I am overall happy with the outcome of the sketch and feel the bright colors and bold patterns draw eye into the scene. But when looking back into anoraks previous magazines I feel my work is too over complicated and would crowd the page. If I where to reproach this I feel i need to cut down the amount of details and find a method of keeping the shapes more abstract and simplistic. 
drawing smaller life was still a strong concept to me, the idea of scaling the plants up in size to feel hug and forest like felt a strong an creative path to go down. From this I wants to try simplistic Color pallets and bolder drawing styles than what I usually do as to fit the brief better. This is my page spread of a scene I plan to work further from. 
I created these prints. Using chalk style on Procreate. The thought process being to go onto make a short wordless story, based in the nighttime. I want to use bold blues and reds and create a dreamlike feel too the work, having a small nameless character walking through the scenery and finding themselves surrounded by beautiful huge plants, cactus, peace lilly’s and huge ferns making forests of usually smaller plants. My ideas stemming from the feelings of everything being bigger while a child. 
mood boards I've made looking into no worded illustrations and picture books. i am confident in moving forward creating a short and non sensical story book. allowing space for children's imagination too be free to create the script themselves. My intention as for the plot i am interested in starting my story in the nighttime and having a small, nameless character walking through the large overgrown shrubs and forest.
Artist research, Jaun palomino, a Mexican illustrator. His focus on kids books, I have chosen to present some of his work here because it inspired y previous and future drawing for this brief. I love his bold shapes and interesting approach to structure. I am particularly interested in researching the methods of telling a story whilst using little to no words. Having the images speak for themselves. Jaun does this very successfully throughout his work and allows for the viewer of his illustration to come to creative conclusions about the piece on their own. 

