Mikkel Rosbjerg Weikop's profile

Stranger Things Titel Sequence Re-imagined

Stranger Things
Titel Sequence Re-imagined
By Mikkel Weikop & Joachim C. Hansen​​​​​​​
The Assignment .
Choose an existing title sequence and give it a new visual side. It can be graphics, photo, video or a mixture of all. You must create a visual universe that sets the mood for the series. The universe must be a new interpretation and thus not the same as the original intro. From the original intro you must keep the music and text content (credits and title). Focus must be on design and atmosphere.
The Process .
The Concept .
We wanted to create a visual, as well as stylistic, alternative to the Stranger Things titel sequence.

The Stranger Things titel sequence is incredible in its way of capturing the cinematographic approach also realised in the series itself. It also hints at a theme of piecing clues, pictures and ideas together.
We wanted to see if we could portray the series visual aesthetics, the environment and the childish and playful, however dark thematics that underline the series.
The Approach .
Our thoughts and choices on the project.

A school hallway, preferably wide and with big windows for natural lighting.
Aesthetically pleasing, not modern and playful were our three main keyword in choosing this location.

80's, but with a danish twist. Colorful. Preferably something that matches the locations aesthetics. Something that stands out and allows for a clear focus point in a motionless scene.

Surroundings :
Lively, young, coupled - those were our three main keywords, to create as much contrast to the focal point as possible.

Constant zoom. The subject shaking to generate the sense of time difference between the surroundings and the subject. Subject in same position. Three stages (Normal - natural light, upside down - VFX, ethereal - artificial light).

Mimicking the real titel sequence, with a twist when it comes to the logotype. The logotype was created with Java through Processing, to allow for a sense of random movement, although structured.
The Final Product .
Stranger Things Titel Sequence Re-imagined

Stranger Things Titel Sequence Re-imagined
