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Anorak Jacket Winter Jackets

Creating a flat drawing involves simplifying the image by removing any shading or texture and using bold, simple lines to define the shapes. Here are the steps to create a flat drawing:
Choose your subject: Decide what you want to draw and find a reference image or object to use as a guide.
Sketch the basic shapes: Start by sketching the basic shapes of your subject using simple lines. Don't worry about adding any details yet, just focus on the overall shape and proportions.
Refine your sketch: Once you have the basic shapes in place, go back and refine your sketch. Use more confident lines to define the shapes and make any necessary adjustments to the proportions.
Add color: Choose a color palette and fill in the shapes with flat colors. Avoid using gradients or shading, as this will detract from the flat style.
Add details: If necessary, add any additional details using simple lines or shapes. Keep in mind that the goal is to keep the drawing as simple and flat as possible.
Final touches: Make any final adjustments and clean up the lines as needed.
With these steps, you should be able to create a simple, flat drawing that emphasizes the basic shapes and colors of your subject.
Anorak Jacket Winter Jackets


Anorak Jacket Winter Jackets
