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Book Cover For Dystopian Scottish Literary Novel

Book Cover For Dystopian Scottish Literary Novel

The book is set in the Portpatrick hotel in the small coastal village of Portpatrick, south of Stranraer. Michael is fourteen and lives with his distant mother and brutally practical uncle. The world is slowly ending as a result of a war that has decimated the world. Those that remain are increasingly hopeless. The enemy is alien and brutal, and their motives remain unclear. Living in the hotel filled with soldiers preparing for the front, as well as the few brutalized men that return, Michael becomes obsessed with the war, and the fate of his own father, and finds a book which was written by a journalist at the front.

His father briefly comes back from the war and Michael blames his uncle for him having to return, and his subsequent death, and is angered by his mother’s lack of support.

Eventually, Michael meets the journalist and eventually learns the truth about the horror of the war, his father’s alcoholism, and his mother’s mental illness.

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Book Cover For Dystopian Scottish Literary Novel


Book Cover For Dystopian Scottish Literary Novel
