Gallery has been removed.

Behance is a popular and declared target of mass-image scraping. Until platforms develop methods of protecting images from this mass, automated theft, speak out, support legal action, or even show that they care at all, I'm not in the mood to continue to provide them free content and traffic.

I don't know where I'm going yet, but I feel strongly that the art community needs to get up and move away from the predatory, overgrown sites. They are trading goodwill with their long-time users- and in case our very artwork itself- for the prospect of getting a sliver of the AI pie. (Hint: Pirates don't share.) 

WE are the art community, and wherever we go, there we'll be.

Let's find friendly, respectful platforms to build our post-AI world on. People are dispersing all over the place in random directions right now, which is great. We're a flock feeling out the next good place to roost. It'll be messy for a bit, but we'll find the right tree, and we'll see each other there again!

If you have sites you recommend, I'm all ears!

Headed Out

Headed Out
