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Yohan Poonawalla: The Chairman Of El-O-Matic India!

On social media, Mr. Poonawalla is popularly known as YZP. On social media, he shares his car collection and a sneak peek at what his life is like behind the scenes.

The Poonawalla family is regarded for their charity, especially closer to schooling and healthcare for the depressed, an bid now endured and taken ahead with the aid of the canny and chivalrous Yohan Poonawalla, popularly known as YZP. 

Yohan Poonawalla once said“ My household has been concerned in a number of charitable corporations and I sense privileged to lift on the heritage of extremely good motives especially involving our frontline officers in the megacity.
Yohan Poonawalla: The Chairman Of El-O-Matic India!

Yohan Poonawalla: The Chairman Of El-O-Matic India!
