Machina Infinitum's profile

Conception - A Fractal short

Haven't you always wondered how fractals are born? 
So have we...
This is our theory, visualized.

Conception started as a study of how the Mandelbulb fractal evolves.
We wanted to show this in one long clip, to really be able to see all the beauty and details of this amazing fractal, as it evolves from power 1 to 8.
While doing the animation for this, I was also exploring other fractals, and while doing that I discovered a beautiful place and transformation in our custom BoxBrot formula.
(BoxBrot is a hybrid formula between a Mandelbulb and AmazingBox)
This totally changed the idea, LOL
As always with fractals, they'll always take you on a trip you didn't expect.
See some stills from the final movie below.
After that, we'll go into detail about the compositing of Conception.

Below you can see the node tree from Autodesk Flame.
This was the compositing of Conception.

After everything was rendered, using Octane, all the passes, elements and layers was imported into Autodesk Flame, for compositing.
This is where everything comes together.

Here's some before/afters of some of the frames.

Directed, Animated, Composited - by Jesper Nybroe 
Fractal setups- by Matteo Scappin 
Audio and sound FX - by Samaquias Lorta 

Conception - A Fractal short

Conception - A Fractal short
