Impact Gifts - Identity Design

Impact Gifts curates premium and conscious gift boxes for corporates. The brand is a lot more than just that - IG was born when the founder realized the amount of wastage that is caused by gift-giving - 50% of corporate gifts end up in landfills within 2 years. Impact Gifts offers mindfully curated gift boxes; From plantable seed pens to incense sticks made from temple flower waste and upcycled tea cups, IG gives back to the people and planet. 

Empowering female artisans to supporting local farmers, and also donating a percentage of their profits to girls' education in rural India, Impact gifts is all about causing ripples through conscious gift-giving.

The logo is simple and elegant, the visual was created to show the idea of causing ripples and waves of change and to flow seamlessly with the delicate ligatures of the wordmark.
Impact Gifts - Identity Design

Impact Gifts - Identity Design

Elegant and modern brand design for Impact Gifts.
