Intrinsic Therapeutics's profile

Intrinsic Therapeutics’ Barricaid

An established medical device company, Intrinsic Therapeutics manufactures Barricaid as a next generation solution for the problem of lumbar disc reherniation following spine surgery. Intrinsic Therapeutics’ annular closure implant device addresses an issue that is most common among active young adults, with a half million discectomies performed each year.
A study released in early 2022 and published in JAMA provided long-term support for the effectiveness of Barricaid, spanning five years of follow-up data across more than 550 patients. With this data collected at a time that includes FDA pre-market approval, the study reveals that patients who receive the Barricaid closure device are 41 percent less likely to experience reherniations and 29 percent less likely to need reoperations than those who do not.
Describing the findings, the director of the Spine Institute of Louisiana explained that the large multicenter study provided vital evidence in proving Barricaid’s long-term effectiveness. It complements a range of already published evidence focused on both the economic and medical benefits of Barricaid. Previously, 64 peer-reviewed studies had been undertaken, which looked at eight distinct patient populations.
Intrinsic Therapeutics’ Barricaid

Intrinsic Therapeutics’ Barricaid
