Alchemist's Tower
The Forlorn Fields
The World Burns Beneath Us
Underground Realm
Spirit's Woods
Infernal Citadel
Forgotten Ruins
Beneath the Tree
City of Glass
House of Sacred Remains
Broken Tower
Cathedral Shade
Sky Falls
Echoes of Byzantium
Lights on the Lake
Once Upon a Time
Path of Mars
Ditt Endelikt
Where We Drowned
House on a Hill
Sequel of Decay
The Throne of Endless Winter
Cursed Garden
Kingdom Undone
Plague Descends
Forever After
Fifty Realms
Lands from dreams, cities to see, places I hope never exist.
From abandoned and broken castles, to the crumbling edges of dying worlds.
They are fragile spires reaching for God, and temples hiding from his wrath.
Scenes that serve as settings for fairytales and tragedies.
Stalwart watches of the elements, and failed guardians of the old world.
Genuis Locii
These are my realms.
Six and a half weeks later, so ends my Inkwash series.
These works were created once a day for every day of Lent, ending with a total of 50 works in ink. (Three extra were made to roud the series off, there are 47 days of lent.) I selected 35 of those, and set them in chronological order. This group is the spiritual successor of this project: using the same media and technique.
The view was chosen to be fairly static, as if you have just arrived in a strange place, or finally reached your long-desired destination. Some of them reference real places, such as the outline of Chartres Cathedral, the shell of Castel Sant'Angelo or the domes in Venice. Their names come from song titles, lyrics or memories from real places or in one case, a video game.
For those interested: I used Carbon Black, India, Payne's gray, Red earth, Walnut and White Inks, and a mixture of brush, smudging, driping, calligraphy pen and sumi-e brushes. All done on 15 lb Watercolor paper. (45 of them are 9"x12", and 5 of them are 12" x18")
50 Inkwashes on paper
The Realms

The Realms

Personal Project: 2014 Inkwash Series
