Aaron Marzwell's profile

Driving Change through Impact Investing - Helpful Tips

A renowned Los Angeles, California-based real estate developer and landlord with an extensive real estate background, Aaron Marzwell formerly served as vice president of CIM Group for seven years. Under Aaron Marzwell's current guidance, APPA Real Estate promotes the development of affordable housing and a sustainable environment while also offering returns to its impact investors.

Impact investors are individuals who dedicate their money to driving the development of real estate or other assets that can help mitigate problems of social and/or environmental significance while generating profits. Unlike conventional investment concepts, the goal of impact investing extends beyond making a profit. For this reason, impact investing is typically a complex undertaking, and planning sometimes takes years.

Entities who are looking to create feasible impact investment portfolios need to be aware that the project should draw from a rigorous analysis of the needs of communities instead of a preconceived scheme. To that end, they may need to collaborate with local government pension funds, councils, or other entities that can contribute invaluable insights with respect to the needs of target communities. They may also interact with residents of target regions through polls or other techniques to understand local needs and align actions with their findings. To enhance results, they may also narrow down results by highlighting needs in order of priority and expediting solutions to the prime needs.

Driving Change through Impact Investing - Helpful Tips

Driving Change through Impact Investing - Helpful Tips
