A rescue mission 
Minu was playing with her cat at a park when two lads approached, snatched up her pet, and began running away. Minu valiantly pursued them but failed to apprehend the thieves. She had lost all hope, and her heart was devastated knowing she would never see her beloved cat again.
Suddenly, a bicycle stopped beside her, she looked up to see both of her brothers urgently telling her to get on. She hurriedly stood up and jumped into the carrier.
They pursued the robbers, and Nano began rapidly shooting arrows at them with the bow his uncle had given him a few days before.
But Nano missed all of his shots, so he took one more, and the arrow flew ahead of the thieves and landed on the road, causing the thief's vehicle to lose its balance. They collided with a nearby tree and fell to the ground. Minu leaped off the bicycle as it slowed down and ran towards the thieves, crying out of joy and panic as she grabbed her cat, her little heart pounding hard against her chest. Dipu, the oldest brother, asked those standing close to contact the police. The rest was handled by the elderly.
They walked back to their house because the path was steep, and Nano made sure to collect every single one of his arrows. He was pleased with himself and their successful rescue mission. It was a proud moment for them because they knew their classmates would soon learn of their bravery.
Designing the illustration using silhouette method
A rescue mission