Piedras Preciosas es un proyecto con el objetivo de generar una colaboraciĆ³n con artesanos con la tĆ©cnica tallado en piedra, enrriqueciendo este arte con diseƱo, para apartir de una investigaciĆ³n profunda generar un objeto, colecciĆ³n o producto que contribuya a la conservaciĆ³n de la tĆ©cnica artesanal.
Piedras PreciosasĀ is a project with the aim of generating a collaboration with craftmenĀ using carving art in stone, making this art rich in design. ToĀ create a strong concept within an object, collection or productĀ that contributes to the conservation of this craft.
El maĢrmol es una roca compactada formada por rocas calizas que al ser sometidas a altas temperaturas alcanza una alta cristalizacioĢn. Las variedades de colores estaĢn formados por los minerales que se atrapan en la piedra como la arcilla, limo, arena, oĢxidos de hierro o cuarzo. El maĢrmol que no tiene color es el mas popular.Ā Este material tiene diversos significados entre ellos la fuerza, pureza, belleza, longevidad, inmortalidad, estilo y eĢxito.Ā 

Marble is a rock composed of compacted limestone which when exposed to high temperatures reaches a high crystallization. The varieties of colors are formed by minerals that are trapped in the stone like clay, silt, sand, iron oxides or quartz. The marble that has no color is the most popular.Ā This material has several meanings including strength, purity, beauty, longevity, immortality, style and success.
Jose Guadalupe Duarte fue el marmolero detras del proyecto. El ha trabajo el mƔrmol desde los 12 aƱos de edad, instruido por su padre. Este arte tiene 150 aƱos en su familia.
Jose Guadalupe Duarte was the craftman behind the project. He has been working with marble since he was 12 years old, he learned from his father. This art has been in his family for 150 years.Ā 
Urnas de ceniza que representa el tiempo de vida de la persona, asiĢ junto con el maĢrmol su legado seraĢ inmortalizado. Cada textura representa una etapa importante de desarrollo y crecimiento. Al despedirnos de una persona amada, nos despedimos de su ente fiĢsico, pero nos quedamos con un recuerdo espiritual. En Marmora se busca aumentar ese recuerdo especial recordando la ninĢƒez, la adolescencia, la adultez y la vejez de nuestro ser amado, asIĢ podremos mantenerlo vivo por siempre en nuestro corazoĢn.Ā 

Ash urns that capture the lifetime of a loved one that has passed away. With marble his legacy will be preserved. Each texture in the piece represents an important life cycle in the persons development and growth. When we say good bye to our loved ones, we keep our emotional connection with them. In Marmora we seek to increase our special memories by remembering they childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age. Like this we can keep them alive in our hearts for ever.
Time is Represented by Change
El tiempo pasa por nosotros, creando cambios fĆ­sicos asiĢ como emocionales. Marmora retoma nuestros momentos mas representativos y los muestra por medio de texturas. Al darle acabados al mĆ”rmol podemos percibir lo invisible, tocar lo intangible y ver el paso del tiempo.
Time passes by making physical and emotional changes in us. Marmora takes our special memories and increasesĀ them with textures. By changing marble we canĀ see the invisible, touch the intangible and see over time.


Ash urns that capture the lifetime of a loved one that has passed away. With marble his legacy will be preserved. Each texture in the piece repre Read More
