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Trading up : Powering India

This visualization was made as a re-design of Mint-Infographic. Mint is a business newspaper which liberally uses info-graphics to tell stories and present data when compared with other dailies, publishing almost one a day and sometimes several. The Info-graphic was analysed and then re-designed with certain new considerations. Have a look on process followed and see a more detailed documentation here.
This is the initial infogaphic from the newspaper. Analysis done on this led me to the next few iterations.
One of the major things lacking in the graphic was that change that they are trying to show was nt visible. to compere two states one had to refer to the legend everytime. So, focusing on showing the change in power supply from 2001-2010, a bar is used for each state which a suggestion of change.
This is an alternative suggested in terms of colors. One of the things lacking in this after discussion and feedback was that it doesn't suggest the theme of the graphic.
This is the final output. A small icon introduced to suggest the theme and the values re-arranged in ascending order. 
Trading up : Powering India

Trading up : Powering India

A visualization of change in power supply statewise in India from 2001-2011
