"Amor bonito"
Super food flour products 
The idea of this proyect was to create different types of flours, and for that I need to create a strong logotype first. The "B" on the "bonito" word represent a dinamic hearth and the reason of this is cause the client create all this Super food flours with the goal of help people and the planet.

The client want a clean, stylish, dinamic and non conventional design, and for that I decide to create this out of the box products that you don´t normally see in the current Supermercado flour products.

The main challenge of this proyect was to create an unique branding but split per family. So for that I decide to split the different flour flavors and products in categories. Each category has his own branding but keep the same branding style.
The idea of the product shoots was to express all the distinct things and foods that you can do with each flavor, so I use the principal food like cereal, cookies, etc. And use as well support products like banana, cacao, honey, etc.) So with this 2 combos I can create a funny and special all in one product image.
I use only 2 typography styles and this was in order to create a consistent branding around all the variations, for all the flavours texts descriptions used "Ink Free", this typo is very dinamic and you can play with this disruptive font messages. 
And for all the extra text's like description, kg, etc. used "Highway Gothic Wilde"
Once I had all the elements I can start to add the graphics such as lights, shadows, the shape of the bag, etc.
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