Building the Dubai Metro 
EXPO2020 Metro Station 
The following collection of photos shows the transformation of desert in South Dubai into the Dubai Metro EXPO2020 Station.  Concept design started in 2014 and we broke ground on the Project in August of 2016. The station eventually opened to the public in 2021 and was a key part in delivering passengers to what was then, the remote EXPO site.  What was to follow, was another Dubai RTA Transportation landmark. A first of its kind in the UAE and I'd venture to say in the whole of the GCC.  I was fortunate enough to be on this project from the proposal to win the work and eventually saw it through to its completion which spanned several years. 
I do recall first visiting the site in 2015, we needed a satellite view to orient ourselves on site as there were no distinguishable features. The heat in the sand melted the adhesive in my shoes which caused the soles to fall off later that day. That was first of several pairs of shoes/boots that succumbed to the elements. I'm sure that story held true for so many others. The scorching heat of up to 48C (120F), dust and eventually masks to curb the spread of covid made for some very hard conditions.  
This collection of photographs is dedicated to those men and women who made this vision a reality.  Every last one, from cleaner to driver, from labor to foreman, from manager to staff, you all have a lot to be proud of.
*Final photos of the EXPO Station will be featured in a separate collection. 
Site handover to the Contractor on the 2nd day on the job.  We all took photos of a featureless terrain for purposes unclear. What were we actually documenting other than this barren landscape
Demarcating the areas for the station was the first order of business.  The Contractor began to install hoarding and soon discovered that vehicles would get bogged in the soft sand
The size of the first pile cap was stupendous. I remember it really left an impression in my mind recognizing that we still had hundreds more to go. 
Piling and viaduct works began at the southernmost part of the land in airport land. There was nothing there other than some cranes in the distance
Laborers at the end of the day during ramadan. Waiting for the sun to set to break their fast.
Workers from all parts of the world, often separated by country, language, culture and religion
The first pier felt like a huge accomplishment. It was it was 2 years in the making and the erection of the first meant the Project was well under way.  We were first in the EXPO lands.  We had to move fast.
Workers breaking their fast during Ramadan.
Soon many others followed. Like soldiers in line. 
Soon thereafter the viaduct segments which were cast beyond the limits of the site began to arrive.  They sat idly awaiting to be lifted into position.
When i climbed the scaffolding to the top of the viaduct, I noticed camels going about their business on the other side of our Project limits.  I found an opening in the fence, squeezed through and snapps a few photos of them in the foreground of what was to come.  While they didn't seem bothered much by the works, their keeper was.  He wasn't happy to have his grazing area intruded on by the works.  As with all things in Dubai, things move forward and are in turn resolved. 
I've always liked this image Somehow felt that there was a parallel between lifting gantries and the camels.  Both in the desert, both used to lift and carry heavy things over great distances under very difficult conditions. All that being said, the lifting gantry will never have the character or charm of a camel. 