Naqibah Nordin's profile

Character Development & Social Media for Rela.

Character Development and Social Media Strategy for Rela Insurance.

Project description

As the Marketing Lead and Social Media Manager for Br-Rela, I was tasked with developing a campaign that would resonate with the younger generation in Brunei and provide them with financial advice. My main task is to create engaging posts to encourage young Bruneians to be more responsible financially and understand the importance of insurance. 

To achieve this, I decided to create a character that would be relatable and engaging for the target audience. After conducting research on the interests and preferences of young people in Brunei, I came up with the idea of creating a character that was inspired by a Borneon animal.

After considering several options, I ultimately decided to develop a character based on the Borneon Manatee, which is a unique and endangered species found in the region. I named the character "Doug the finance Dugong" and developed his personality to be friendly, approachable, and knowledgeable about financial matters.

I designed his appearance to be fun and quirky that would appeal to the younger audience on social media. To bring Doug to life, I created a series of social media posts and stories featuring him offering financial advice and tips in a fun and engaging way. 

These posts were shared across multiple social media platforms, including Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, to reach a wider audience. The campaign was a huge success, with engagement levels increasing significantly and positive feedback from the younger generation in Brunei. 

The character of Doug the finance Dugong became a recognizable and trusted figure in the community, and our social media channels saw a significant increase in followers and engagement. 

Overall, the campaign was able to successfully communicate financial advice in a fun and engaging way, helping to build Br-Rela's brand and connect with a younger audience. The use of a unique and indigenous species like the Borneon Manatee helped to establish a strong sense of local identity and resonated well with the people of Brunei.

Character Development & Social Media for Rela.


Character Development & Social Media for Rela.
