Omar Jaujeh's profile

Rabbath Ammon Park

Rabbath Ammon Public Park
located in Al-abdali, neighboring the Al-abdali hospital. With several accesses and buildings to help enhance the design concept.

Landscape Area : 3600 m2
Site Analysis
The original plan that I chose had the imprint of the Byzantine architecture, Ornamental themes, allusions to mansards, warm brick tones, everything should remind the user of the solid, high-quality architecture, The modern form, precise proportions, and comfortable layouts.
Since Amman has some Byzantine architecture, I made Contrast between old Amman and new (modern) Amman.

Photos of existing building on plan, it's a 5 story height hotel. and the reason I chose the site was to complement the hotel scheme in the Boulevard area.
What helped to separate the zones was abstracting Amman's map and laying it over the plan. To create passageways, function distribution and to enhance the concept.
Amman Map Laid Over Plan - Scale 1:100
To accomplish the concept of contrast, on the Eastern side entrances I added Byzantine characteristics since it overlooks on Byzantine architecture in Amman such as, King Abdullah I mosque and the Palace of Justice.
As you walk through the main passageway (Amman map) it becomes modernized with clean, straight lines offset from the passageway to match Abdali's scheme.
So it's a trip from history to modernity. 
Trees and Plants used.
I took into consideration with the planting process based on sun path, wind direction, average temperature each season, blooming and scent. also wither the plants attracts pollinators, butterflies and birds. non attract insects or reptiles such as geckos.
Rabbath Ammon Park


Rabbath Ammon Park
