Yemanjá | Yemoja | Yemaya
mixed-media painting on wood | 4' x 2.5'
Mother of all Orixás/Orishas venerated as "Queen of the Ocean" in Brasil and the Carribbean, she originates from the Yoruba People of West Africa, where she is known as the River deity "Yemoja" , or "Yeye omo eja" - meaning "Mother of fish". Yemanjá is the Patron spirit of fishermen, and is often depicted as a mermaid. She is the feminine principle of creation and the spirit of moonlight, caring for womanhood, fertility and family. Protective, she cares deeply for all Her children, watching over them, comforting them and cleansing them of sorrow. 

For prints, visit MamaWisdom1 on: 
Song: Yemaya Oricha by Afro Drumz
Mother of all Orixás embracing her children during these uncertain times.  I started this as a live painting during an online music set with Audiopharmacy and Peacefits Clothing at the beginning of Covid.  The original sketch was created for The Divine Coloring Book - a multicultural 100-page coloring book for people of all ages inspired by folklore and spirituality from the Philippines (Diwatas), Haiti (Lwas of Vodou) and Brazil (Orixás of Candomble and deities of the Indigenous Brazilian Tupi Tribe).  