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How It Rules the Gaming Industry

The Importance of LiveOps Essential For Video Games

The entire video game concept art has undergone a sea change, so have the patterns of revenue. Previously revenues were generated when the games were introduced to the stores, and if they fared well, the revenues were quite good, however, it did receive a stagnation after a time frame. However, the concept of LiveOps has twisted this strategy, and today revenues can be guaranteed throughout.
What Are LiveOps?

In the simplest terms, LiveOps can be referred to as a process where updates are introduced without bringing about direct changes in the core aspect of the game. One has to remember that there is no change in the features of the games; however, the models, costumes or even similar outputs might get a makeover. LiveOps is an abbreviation of the terms 'Live Operations', and it usually refers to the improvements introduced without going directly for the release of a new version. If you play games regularly, you might have seen an ample number of games that bring about updates in the characters but not a new version. This can be referred to as LiveOps, and mostly it is the work of a professional game art studio.

Various Types of LiveOps That Works 

Most professional outsource animation services have numerous ways to make LiveOps work, however, the most plausible ones include:

●    Live Events: 
No matter what the game genre is, it will have a base. To bring back the engagement, you can introduce LiveOps in the format of live tournaments. In this method, usually, leaderboards are maintained, and the engagement is boosted with the help of reinforcement.

●    Better Features:
It is an easy yet safe way to bring about better changes when it comes to LiveOps. You can introduce a myriad of features like the change of costumes, change in models, increase in the number of players who can play together and similar other details. Usually, a video game concept artist will have unique ways to get back the players via these features.

●    Promotional Offers: 
The word offer has a psychological impact on most online players. Hence, running short term promotional offers like slashing the prices or even giving a bit of goodie like extra points might work wonders.

How LiveOps Plays An Important Role In Gaming?

Not only for animation outsourcing, but LiveOps is also important for game art to outsource as well. Some of the reasons why you should incorporate LiveOps is:

Better Revenues: 

One of the foremost reasons why one should always incorporate LiveOps is because they generate better revenues and that too throughout the year. They are extremely useful when you see that your leadership or craze about the game has undergone a thwarting, and something is important to bring back the flow. Most outsourcing animation studios use this for better scopes.

< >Enhances Experience For Players: 

A portion of whatever revenue is collected through games is based on mobile players. Hence, LiveOps helps introduce better features from time to time and makes the gaming experience much more convenient.


The basic functionality of LiveOps is that it brings forth a new program without releasing a whole new version of the game. However, it has to be done in a precise way to achieve the desired result. Most often a professional game outsourcing studio is put into work as they have a professional team that can make the best strategy depending upon your requirements. 

However, it is suggested to look for certain factors before relying on an outsourcing studio. If you are looking for similar services by a trusted brand, look no beyond ZVKY Design Studio.

How It Rules the Gaming Industry

How It Rules the Gaming Industry
