Danang Ariyanto's profile

TIWIKRAMA available for sale

I dedicate this work to wayang stories in Indonesia, especially in my homeland, Java.
I made this work in the traditional way starting from 20cm X 30cm paper, pencil on paper, pen on paper, scanner, photoshop cs6.

there is always a story in every work and this is the story behind the work that I made. enjoy

Puppet Series I: Sri Krishna's Tiwikrama Shaking the Universe 
Although originally a manifestation of Lord Vishnu, actually Sri Krishna himself has a patient, friendly, fair and wise nature. But, I don't know if he couldn't hold back his anger anymore, then he did Tiwikrama. Will it be destroyed, the earth, heaven and everything in it...?The argument took place in the Hastinapura State Palace, the prolonged coachman's debate really disgusted many people. President Duryodhana is really stubborn. It is clear, Sri Kresna came as an envoy carrying a mandate from the PWW (Wayang-Wayang Association). In fact, according to the opinion of the Chairman of the Puppet Council, Resi Bhishma, and the Chairman of the Wayang Representative Council, Arya Widura. The actions taken by President Duryodhana are very wrong and violate the rules. Even Arya Widura, who was still considered Duryodhana's uncle, had shouted at him for not heeding the advice of Resi Bhishma."Duryodana, your words are really outrageous, and not the actions of a President who loves the people very much! I as Uncle do not approve at all..."But responded coldly, by Duryodhana. "Sorry, Uncle. Even though you are still counted as family, and are a generation older than me, but again sorry. In the Hastinapura State Government, I am the one in power. I have power over everything, including land and sea and air. And my position much higher than Uncle who is only the chairman of the Wayang Representative Council, as well as Grandfather Bhishma, whose position is the Chairman of the Wayang Assembly..." Finally, because Bete heard the arrogant words of Duryodhana, the President was despotic. Sri Krishna immediately looked furious, and asked the last question."President Duryodhana, I'm sorry to ask you one more time. Will you make peace with the Pandavas, and restore their rights?"By looking at the face of the Prime Minister, Patih Sangkuni. Duryodhana then said "I'm also sorry for Lord Sri Krishna, O incarnation of Batara Vishnu. However, we from the Kauravas, will not return this country to the Pandavas, even if it is an inch of land. And also, even though all the people here want the Referendum to be separated from the Pandavas. The State of Hastinapura. I will not allow them to join the Pandavas. Period."Sri Krishna was only able to look far ahead, imagining that he was dealing with the manifestation of the previous ruler of the dark state of Alengka, President Ravana. And finally, after a long silence, Sri Krishna then spoke up. "O President Duryudana, your actions today will be recorded by all the Gods in Heaven and Earth. And, the elders here will be witnesses to your words. You will be responsible for all your words in the future. I will inform the Pandavas of your decision!"
Finally, Sri Kresna left the meeting hall to a hall in the Presidential Palace. Sri Krishna, then stood in the middle of the garden. His eyes were shining, a sign of his anger rising. Suddenly a giant as big as a mountain appears which is Tiwikrama of Batara Vishnu if his anger is unbearable...The presence of this giant made the entire kingdom of Hastina into an uproar and fear. The Kauravas and Shakuni looked for a dark place to hide. Tiwikrama also caused an uproar in Heaven, the Gods also became worried and immediately came down to earth to see Sri Krishna who was angry.To the extent that Batara Indra and Batara Bayu could only sigh and say, "If the Vishnu has appeared and vented his anger, then the whole world and heaven will be in an uproar. Even the entire power of Gods, Humans and giants if collected into one still cannot defeat let alone stop it..."
Batara Kala 
in Hinduism is the son of Lord Shiva and Dewi Uma. Batara Kala is a giant with a scary face.In the Tattwa, it is narrated that once Lord Shiva and his wife Dewi Uma were walking by the sea. Unexpectedly, Dewi Uma's cloth was exposed because of the wind that blew so that her calves could be seen. Seeing this, Dew Siwaa's desire arose to invite Dewi Uma to have sexual intercourse, but the Goddess refused because such an act was inappropriate for the Gods of Heaven.Finally both returned to heaven, and Lord Shiva's kama water fell into the sea which was later found by Lord Brahma and Vishnu. The seed is then created into a giant who growls asking who his parents are. With the instructions of Lord Brahma and Lord Vishnu, the giant learned that his parents were Lord Shiva and Goddess Uma.So the giant immediately went to heaven to ask for acknowledgment from Lord Shiva. Before Lord Shiva acknowledged the giant as his son, he had to cut off his long fangs in order to see the full form of his parents. These conditions were met, finally Lord Shiva acknowledged the giant as his son who was later given the title Batara Kala.
Whereas in another version it is stated, Batara Kala is the son of Btara Guru. It is said that one time before dusk, Betara Guru and Dewi Uma went to entertain themselves by riding Andini's oxen to see the natural scenery. Accidentally while above the ocean, the wind revealed the cloth of Dewi Uma. Batara Guru was tempted to see his wife's calves, he then seduced Dewi Uma and invited her to make love right away on the back of Lembu Andini. However, Dewi Uma refused her husband's invitation because she felt that it was inappropriate.Batara Guru kept trying to seduce him, but Dewi Uma kept trying to escape, finally because he could no longer hold back his desire, Batara Guru's kama (semen) came out and fell into the sea.Dewi Uma's refusal made Batara Guru annoyed and angry. They then got into a fight. In a state of anger, Dewi Uma said that Batara Guru's actions were only appropriate for long-toothed creatures. What Dewi Uma said came true, Batara Guru's anger grew even more after he realized his fangs had grown long. Batara Guru also cursed Dewi Uma to become a raksesi.
Goddess Uma who has become a giant by Batara Guru is exchanged for his soul with Sang Hyang Permoni who has a beautiful face but has a spiteful and evil heart. Dewi Uma was then given the title batari Durga.While the semen of Batara Guru that fell into the sea was born a child in the form of a very scary giant. The giant went to Jonggringsaloka's heaven and raged and asked for three wishes. The giant asked to be recognized as a child, given a name and given a wife.Batara Guru also recognized the giant as his son and was given the name Batara Kala. Batara Kala was then betrothed to Dewi Uma who had become a giant with the title Betari Durga. Both were then placed in the heaven of Setra Gondomayit and controlled all kinds of jinn, gandarwa and other spirits.When Batara Kala asked for food, then Batara Guru gave food but it was determined that:Anak ontang-anting (the only child/only puppet)Five Pandavas are five sons, all know all five daughtersKedono-kenini, children are boys and girls.That's what Batara Kala's food is usually called the Sukerta (Javanese) boy. Therefore, according to the beliefs of the Javanese people, to avoid being preyed upon by Batara Kala, the Sukerta boy must be treated by holding a shadow puppet show with the play Murwakala or Ruwatan.
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TIWIKRAMA available for sale


TIWIKRAMA available for sale
