Coopers is my regular haunt, a purveyor (and roaster) of fine coffee in Marlow. 

Ed and I made this as a spec ad for the owner James, who kindly offered us the premises and activity for a couple of days to shoot something for them, and something for us. 

We were honoured to have Martha, one of our favourite models come in for the second day to add a considerable amount of class, and we are really grateful to the staff who were very patient with us when we got under their feet. 
Big thanks goes to the roaster Ruggero, who not only gave us some amazing action, but kept us fully caffeinated for the entire duration. A week later, my sleep pattern is nearly back to normal. 
Shot mostly with a Canon Cinema C300ii and C70, using Clog, edited in FCPX and graded with FilmConvert’s Nitrate, using one of my old favourite film stocks, Fuji’s Provia 100, but with the colour and grain dialled down quite a bit. No LUTS were used. 

Model: Martha Scott @ 
Music: Alex Mastonardi @ 

Apologies to Cooper, the black Lab, and coffee shop’s namesake, who we really should have got in the film but he was far too distracted by other dogs on the day. 

Coopers can be found in Fieldhouse Lane, Marlow SL7 1LW, where they serve delicious food, sell coffee in the cup, and by the bag.
Coopers Coffee


Coopers Coffee

Coopers is my regular haunt, a purveyor (and roaster) of fine coffee in Marlow. Ed and I made this as a spec ad for the owner James, who kindly Read More
