Rob VanKammen's profile

Mecum Magazine Website

Mecum Magazine Website
Front-end Design
Client: Mecum Auctions (in-house)

Upon joining the Mecum team, one of my initial tasks was to design a website for the Mecum Magazine. This blog-style site aimed to feature monthly updates with fresh magazine content, including archives of historic material. The project involved minimal oversight, mainly with myself and one other developer. Despite being relatively inexperienced in managing such projects, I collaborated with the Art Director and Chief Editor to craft a visually engaging user experience that was both easy to navigate and read. This served as a valuable learning experience, involving collaboration with a developer for site construction and content management. It was particularly fulfilling, marking one of the most impactful projects in my career. References to elements from that site still influence the new Mecum website.

Skills Used: Adobe XD, Balsamiq Wireframes, Web Design, UI/UX, Branding, Typography, Hierarchy, Wireframing, Prototyping, Innovation, Collaboration, Communication, Problem Solving, SEO

Mecum Magazine Website

Mecum Magazine Website
