This project was my Design 2 final project. I was given the subject of animals for a social issue cause. I chose to go with cat adoption. We were given instructions to create a four- page tabloid. All design elements and body copy was up to the students. I went with a playful and happy idea with a soft color palette. All body copy and statistics are sourced. This project was created using Photoshop and InDesign. 
Below you can see the original photo of the cover page cat and can see the changes that I made to it.
The following two images are the front and back of a four page brochure that I created for the city of Lake Charles at the request of the mayor. I used Illustrator and Photoshop for the text and imagery and then put it all together and finished it off with InDesign. These were printed and sent to the Mardi Gras gathering in Washington DC, among other places.


