Alexander McVeigh's profile

Serious Game Project

Serious Game Project
Description :
On this project I'm working as a Freelance Game Designer for a French Bank. Their goal is to educate middle school students on the function and impact that our civil servants have on the country at a community level.
To meet this goal, we decided to create a City Management game where the player has civil servants he can use to resolve tasks that arise in the town. This would therefore demonstrate the inner workings of the town and show the impact that civil servants have on the area.
My Role :
In this project my official title is Lead Game Designer. However I also communicate a lot with the other disciplines and the client. 
Recap :
Genre : City Management Game
Platform : Android and Windows 10
Softwares : Unity, FMod
Team : 13
Time to Develop : 5 months
Main Mechanic :
The main tool at the player's disposal is his civil servants. With these civil servants he can  accomplish tasks that arise in the town. This mechanic will show the students what the different civil servants do in a town and how they impact the community.
Underneath is a schematic showing the different civil servants sent to accomplish different tasks.

Translation : Tâche = Task | Réserve d'agent du joueur = Civil Servants at the player's disposal
Simulation :
We simulate many different aspects of a town, but most notably the satisfaction of the population and the benefits to the economy.
Below is a chart which demonstrates the growth of a population as a function of the attractiveness of the town. This chart shows how we simulate the fluctuation of population in a town.
Story Telling :
Since our target is middle school students, we are writing a story that they can follow to help them stay motivated throughout the experience. Each game is accompanied by a story where the player must overcome an important hurdle. This can be anything from the organisation of a festival in the town, to fighting a forest fire that's hard to control.
Limitations :
This game is to be played in a classroom with a maximum of 30 students and a teacher during a period of 2 hours. During this period there must be at least 30 minutes allocated for the teacher to talk about what the students accomplished during the game and how they impacted the town.
For this reason, we separate the game into different scenarios which last about 15 to 20 minutes each. In this way the students may play a short period of time and deliberate with the teacher between each scenario.
Serious Game Project

Serious Game Project
