Mark Wallace's profile

Dark Island Sentinel

I’m delighted to share this recent work with you through my painting “Dark island sentinel” I painted this at the weekend, and have been returning to elements of work explored during a dark period of my life several years ago, embracing those emotions through the ocean’s power and majesty.
“From a remote shore far away can be seen an island, and on this island is a lighthouse. Inside lives a solitary woman, who has taken the role of lighthouse keeper in this desolate place. 
Tragedy has followed her from her early years and the loss of her parents and hardships of living with others, reluctant parents where there has been little love and hope. 
Escaping this life has brought her solace and to some degree happiness. No-one comes here to see the lighthouse keeper and so she goes about her task until destiny intervenes sometime in the murky future.”
Dark Island Sentinel

Dark Island Sentinel
