Pre-Lockdown Road Trip of North Wales

Road Trip North-West Wales Sunday 22 March 2020

I had planned this trip for a few weeks for an assignment. However, Covid-19 had already had an marked effect on the population of Wales. The roads were unusually quiet. Each location featured below had very few tourists. The weather was gorgeous, warm and sunny. The day before the lockdown was announced for the UK. The assignment was adapted to take the effects of the pandemic into account. It felt weird, uncanny, eerie. Especially, at Portmeirion. I had a stroke of luck, the place was due to shut the next day as directed by the Welsh Government. No charge was levied as all of the shops and cafes were closed. People were conspicuous by their absence, it was lovely having the place to myself and a handful of others. It added a surreal atmosphere that drew me back to the Prisoner, a cult 1960's TV series starring Patrick McGoohan. 

The journey started early before dawn and ended as dusk fell. A distance of 200 miles was travelled on what was a memorable and strange day.
Caernarfon Castle and moored-up boats
A slightly different view of Caernarfon Castle
Caernarfon Marina
One of the cottages within Portmeirion Village
A view of the Village Square at Portmeirion
Anyone for Chess!!!
Amis Reunis, or "Friends Reunited", is the famous Stone Boat of Portmeirion. It lies to the right of the frame.
The beautiful views of the Dwyryd Estuary are also a feature of Portmeirion
The lower part of the Village, Portmeirion's Flagship Hotel lies beyond the pool.
The central Piazza
The beautiful views of the Dwyryd Estuary 
The stunning cliffs near to Elin's Tower, South Stack, Holyhead, Anglesey
The South Stack Lighthouse is built on a small island off the north-west coast of Holyhead, Anglesey, Wales.
A descent to the South Stack Lighthouse includes negotiating 199 steps which twist and turn in a tight and precarious loops. The return journey is certainly is a test of your stamina!!
On this occasion, access to the lighthouse is not possible. Due to Covid-19.
Conwy Estuary, North Wales

View of Conwy Castle from the south-west
Conwy Castle and the town.
Pre-Lockdown Road Trip of North Wales


Pre-Lockdown Road Trip of North Wales
