Alexis Bollings's profile

Proof of Concept - Poster & Social Media

Two words...


Who doesn't love it?!

Summer is typically the time of year when friends and family love to gather together to have fun and relax. However, in the year of 2020...that hasn't been so easy. 

This year alone has brought so many trials and tribulations to everyone across the globe, both young and old. From proms and graduations being canceled, to not being able to see your friends or family for a long's a tough time.

Having the ability to gather together with friends is something Liberty University has been able to do thus far, despite the worldwide pandemic taking place. However, how can we incorporate an end of the year celebration while being safe? Especially if many students would like to spend the summer with their friends?


Grab your friends, your masks, and have some fun! Liberty University Student Activities could host an end of the year event in order to celebrate all of the great accomplishments all of the students have completed, despite what is going on outside the campus walls. 

With free refreshments, live musical entertainment, and a sermon to give strength and courage through these continued troubling times, what more could you want?!

Students can gather together safely while being able to celebrate and spend time with their friends before saying goodbye for the summer. 

What do you say; should LU Student Activities make this a real thing?

Proof of Concept - Poster & Social Media

Proof of Concept - Poster & Social Media
