Project targeted for IKEA. Fifty pieces of furniture were made out of scrap, found and ready-made materials- all of which were then drawn, developed and processed into Kitsch 50`s repeats which were then screen printed as surface pattern designs onto newly made pieces of furniture as well as pre-made items.
The pieces made and the final prints were all experiments into the relationship between an object's functionality, purpose and worth and how that has changed through recent time. 
The images were also made into a parody catalogue, to poke fun at the naming, functionality, practicality and design typified by IKEA.  The project was intended to be a ironic reversal of simplicity in design- and create the simplified designs from a more complicated process that uses materials and methods alien to conventional approaches.
The project took influences from Duchamp, Heath Robinson and the Quakers.  I also wanted to reference the process of renewing life in the objects people had in their homes instead of buying new following the war years.  People would often re-paint / re-upholster surfaces of cupboards, drawers etc instead of buying new. 


Fifty pieces of furniture were made made out of scrap, found and ready-made materials- all of which were then drawn, developed and processed into Read More


Creative Fields