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Escape the Fate Live Review | Dead Press

LIVE REVIEW: Escape the Fate at Rescue Rooms Nottingham
Published on Dead Press!
Date: February 10th 2018
Venue: Rescue Rooms, Nottingham
Support: Set To Stun
Rating: *********
A pillar of the emo-core scene since the band’s inception in 2005, Las Vegas troupe Escape The Fate are well-versed in the art of delivering epic shows for their fans worldwide. With a new album on the way, titled ‘I Am Human’, we caught them at the last date of their European Tour at Nottingham’s intimate venue – The Rescue Rooms.
Set To Stun open the show to an already fairly full room of eager fans. Their brand of fairly typical post-hardcore is received well, with the crowd even shouting back some of the catchy choruses. Vocalist Damien Wong gives an incredible performance, diving across the barriers to sing with their fans, and even running up the walls at some points.
By the time that Escape The Fate take to the stage, the room is at full capacity with a slightly older crowd of fans that have supported them from their revered MySpace days. The set instantly crashes into full swing with a one-two of old favourites ‘This War Is Ours’ and ‘You Are So Beautiful’, both of which have the crowd singing along from the very first notes.
With over 12 years of relentless touring under their belts, the band expertly orchestrate a faultless set, with vocalist Craig Mabbitt and guitarists Thrasher and TJ Bell taking it in turns to command the attention of the crowd. As they storm through fan favourites like ‘Ashley’ and ‘Something’, Mabbitt has an ever-growing smile on his face as he hears the lyrics roared back at him.
It’s clear from the energy of the band that creating their forthcoming record has re-engergised, them and re-affirmed their love for their craft. Fresh cuts ‘I Am Human’, ‘Do You Love Me’ and ‘Broken Heart’ are all raucously echoed back at them from the crowd, despite some of them only being released a matter of weeks ago.
The set even includes a cover of My Chemical Romance‘s ‘Dead!’, which gets the whole room singing and dancing along before the band leave the stage to prepare for their encore. Before long a chant of ‘Choose Your Fate’ rises up, beckoning the band back on stage for a finale of the shout-along, ‘One For The Money’ – a song that is the epitome of Escape The Fate.
There is an undeniable respect between Escape The Fate and their fans. It’s clear that they cherish each fan that has grown with them throughout the band’s evolution; a respect that extends past the stage with the band happily mingling with the crowd both before and after the show, taking selfies and signing merch. A brilliant end to their European tour, both Escape The Fate and their fans are left feeling elated.
Written by Nikki Bruce
Escape the Fate Live Review | Dead Press

Escape the Fate Live Review | Dead Press


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