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Typodarium 2021–A 365 Day Type Calendar

As trend radar and typo-inspiration, as up-to-date-keeper and as eye-catcher on designer tables the Typodarium has conquered its firm place—and designers are eagerly waiting in August to see which small, fine extra Raban Ruddigkeit and Lars Harmsen have given the cute calendar in the Schriftschatz collection box this time. Before we tell you, we would like to say that the Typodarium 2021 shines in twelve cheerful colors and, in addition to typo vitality, brings colorful joy to everyday creative life. Once again, it is packed in a colorful, solid collection box in which your special font treasures are well protected and waiting to be used. As always, you will find the degree of expansion and where to buy the fonts on the back of the daily papers.
On Sundays there is not only more variability in the appointment calendar, but also in the Typodarium 2021: 52 variable fonts are presented by the classic among typo calendars. Flexible in use, they solve even the trickiest challenges in graphic design.
Lars Harmsen and Raban Ruddigkeit not only have their ears very close to the pulse of the typography scene, they are an integral part of it. Every year they succeed in tracking down the hippest new creations in type design, discovering new type designers before they are on everyone's lips and in all designs. Over the years, the two editors have developed an unmistakable feeling for the grassroots movements of serifs—so the Typodarium brings a breath of fresh air to agencies and production departments, magazine and book design, web and print, packaging and fashion. And on your desk.

Have fun and a happy 2021!
Typodarium 2021–A 365 Day Type Calendar

Editors: Lars Harmsen, Raban Ruddigkeit
Publisher: Verlag Hermann Schmidt
Design: Jonas Rose
Format: 8.5 × 12 cm
Volume: 384 pages in 12 colors, printed on both sides
Language: English
Specials: Packaged in a sturdy collecting box for archiving the type samples
EAN: 42 6017281 086 9
Price: 19.80 Euro

Photos: © Verlag Hermann Schmidt 
Typodarium 2021–A 365 Day Type Calendar

Typodarium 2021–A 365 Day Type Calendar


Creative Fields